Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Raye from Florida got her friends into the holiday spirit by Raye from Florida got her friends into the holiday spirit by holding a Bad Sweater Partyholding a Bad Sweater Party

Raye from Florida got her friends into the holiday spirit by holding a Bad Sweater Party. She even consulted Bad Sweater Guy ahead of time for some cool prize categories. I think you'll agree, pretty much everyone there was a winner.
First up, we have our hostess Raye on the right, holding the robot dog with the laser eyes. On the far left, her friend wears a sweater depicting some sort of mutant cat creature whose incontinence is captured in yarn. On her shoulder, it was going to be a beautiful tree until the weaver just gave up.
Now here's a lovely foursome. If you saw them together on a golf course you'd be glad that you had several clubs with which to defend yourself. The smiling gent on the left loses points because he's simply wearing a woman's sweater. Just because it's a man in drag does not make the sweater bad. And for the record, that sweater is god-awful. We're impressed with the vest showing Santa and the reindeer skating, but the winner in this group is second from the right. Some sweater maker somewhere wanted to cram as much stuff as possible into one scene, and this is the result. Even the teddy bear seems to know he looks stupid. And then someone said "Hey, you got a lot of blank space up here in the corner. Cram in a wreath and call it a day."

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